My quickie before-work project yesterday was to start some herb seeds! I think I'm starting them late, but I'm also not sure if this really matters because I think they'll be indoor plants. The egg carton for this has been patiently sitting on the kitchen table for about a week, just waiting for me to get out of the house on time and get some potting soil.
I started cilantro, rosemary, mint, basil, sage and parsley seeds. I know I'm missing a whole bunch of others but I only had so much space!
Rosemary is probably one of my favorite herbs, we sell so much cilantro where I work that I really wanted to grow some just to smell it all the time, and I have really fond memories of my mom having huge pots with basil plants on our front step so I couldn't help it.
Then last night I had a dream that they all sprouted. I wasn't disappointed when I woke up because I knew they hadn't, but wouldn't it be nice if once you put seeds in a little soil and dumped some water on them they said, "Ok, we're sprouted!" and then got it done?
I'm considering building raised garden beds on wheels to plant vegetables in. The house we live in is rented and I don't think the landlords would let me plant a garden, but I could put the beds in the driveway where they wouldn't leave dents in the lawn and could be moved easily.
I think I'm really late in starting vegetables. But I have to figure out if I'm actually going to build raised beds before I start any seeds. And finish another carton of eggs. The one we have in the fridge has 18 cells, so the possibilities are endless!
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