Monday, December 16, 2013

what's in my stash?!: fin

Are you ready for the final installment of "What's in My Stash?!" I sure am!  I know my little collection of yarns is nothing when compared to some, but you have to take into account that I only live in a two bedroom apartment and Don works from home.  His needs for space definitely trump my tendency to squirrel away yarns!

This batch of yarns I have zero plans for, but bought anyway.  That's consumerism for you!  They sure are pretty, so I don't mind having them around.

This first hank is Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sport.  I bought it back in the beginning of July, when I went on a baby yarns buying rampage.  I initially thought that I would knit a new born sized sweater out of it for Baby J, but it's such a special yarn that I wanted it to be made into something that would be used for more than a few weeks.  Now I'm not sure what to do with it, especially since I already know that I'm just not that into variegated yarns, even it they are beautiful.

This Madeline Tosh Merino Light made me the "victim" of a sale at Webs!  I have absolutely no idea when I bought it, because I seem to have ripped the date off the receipt!  The colors are washed out in this picture, but this yarn is very pretty.  It varies from a natural color to light grey to a milky chocolate brown, and I have no idea what to knit with it.  Me and variegated yarns don't mix well as stated, but I want to love this in a knit form as well as in hank form!

Last, and definitely least in this set of yarns (though possibly most easily used as far as my tastes go), are two hanks of Cascade 220.  It was a closeout in a nice coral-y red, I couldn't resist!  I have no set plans for this yarn either, but it's not hard to use like the other two are.  It can easily become a warm scarf or mittens or hat.  It's also not as interesting as my other yarns, which is probably why I have no plans for it.  A very tame stash yarn.

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