Sunday, January 6, 2013

christmas knitting

Well, better late than never!  I didn't do very much holiday knitting this year, mostly because I didn't do very much gift giving.  For someone who loves giving and receiving gifts as much as I do, I sure hate Christmas (bah humbug).

For R with Love on Ravelry

The most effort intensive gift I made was this Veranda Tam from the Webs catalog for my sister (pictured happily wearing her hat).  This hat is gorgeous, I just hated the row 10 cables for some reason.  I found them so obnoxiously fiddly.

When I bought the yarn for my sister's hat I bought a second skein in blue to make one for myself but found those cables so annoying that it's put me off wanting to knit this again anytime soon.  Maybe next year.

The Brother Hat on Ravelry

I also knit a hat for my brother, but his wasn't quite so fancy.  I knit it in Malabrigo Twist, which is the very first Malabrigo yarn I've used, and it was so nice!  Definitely a yarn I would like to use again.  The color is called Paris Night and I was a little worried that it would be too exciting for an eighteen year old boy when I bought it but I think he'll like it.  I actually haven't seen my brother yet for the holidays so I finally sent the hat in the mail to him this weekend.  I have other small gifts for him when I see him.

B Mitts on Ravelry

The last gift I knit was a pair of fingerless mittens for Don's sister.  I knew it would be difficult for him to pick out a gift for her so I offered to knit something instead and it worked out perfectly because she loves them!  The hat for my brother and mitts for Don's sister were so nice, easy and calming after knitting my sister's hat.

Many of my friends have winter birthdays so I've already moved on from Christmas knitting to birthday knitting.  I love giving birthday gifts so this isn't nearly as stressful to me as the obligation of Christmas gifting.

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