So remember when I wanted a skirt that was a jeans equivalent and posted this link to a shirt to skirt sewing project? That's fine, I don't expect you to remember all of my ramblings. However, I remember this, so when I found a good shirt candidate for the project it was full sails ahead!

I felt almost guilty cutting into this shirt because it was a nice old Union made thing, but the finishings weren't great and I don't force Don to wear things just because I like them. So a skirt this shirt became.

I'm probably the most proud of my belt loops, even thought they were a huge hassle. I ended up sewing them with tissue paper under them because they kept getting jammed in the feed dogs (I love this term). So no super close ups of them, because they are messy but I love them.
All I need now is a good slip or two because this baby is see through! I'm wearing a dress-as-shirt here because it also worked as a make shift slip. I haven't worn it since these pictures were taken a couple weeks ago because I don't have/haven't made a slip that works well.

wow, i'm impressed. i would have given up on the belt loops and hoped for the best on the belt wearing. Great job!