I finally finished reading Moby Dick! And man, was that an insane ending. Not unexpected, but still insane. Don recently got this shirt (made by Out of Print Clothing) from a bookstore that just started carrying them. I've liked this company for a really long time and want to get Don this Master and Margarita shirt, since I meant to get it for his birthday last year. (Also I finished reading Moby Dick first!)
On the topic of books, on Facebook a friend posted this review of Stuck Rubber Baby, a graphic novel by Howard Cruse, and I'd really like to read it.
There was a fantastic post on the blog fatty unbound about being comfortable in and claiming your own skin.
Related is a post by Already Pretty on self care. It's a quick little cheat sheet but it's nice.
Three wardrobe related posts:
- "What I Wear Everyday,"a post which shows off how Dana of MADE gets dressed everyday.
- "Wardrobe Strategy,"on Casey's Elegant Musings is a mini remix of one dress.
- "Building a Wardrobe and Demystifying Those Fashionable Girls" by Kyla Roma. I really want to try this exercise: collecting images that make me say "I would wear that!" Then figuring out my style from the collection. I have a lot of clothes and a very large "nothing to wear" problem.
P.S. Anyone get Raptured yet? No?
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