Today I started a new job! I've been jobless for the past few months, and it is so stressful. I'm just working as a cashier in a small grocery store, but when I got home I was seriously giddy. Just from finding any work.
(Another way to deal with awkward facial expressions is to include blurry dancing pictures. This is how I dance.)

So after work I went to the Goodwill (celebratory thrifting) and found these shoes. Then I came home and changed into something that matched, just so I could wear them. They really are blue suede shoes. The dress is a muumuu that someone else chopped the bottom off of. It's a much better length than floor length but the chop is messy and unhemmed. I don't want it any shorter, so I've never bothered to hem it and it doesn't unravel.
The blue dots on the dress look like a 7th grade diagram of a mitochondria, but they match the shoes pretty well.

congrats, and adorable! everything is adorable from the dress to the shoes (to you!)